Oct 21, 2017 | A day in the life...
Friday, October 20, 2017 Another busy day to end a busy week! The day started with students attending Virginia State University’s Small Ruminant Field Day. The morning was spent listening to Dr. Steve Hart from Langston University and Dr. Adnan Yusuf from...
Oct 21, 2017 | A day in the life...
Thursday, October 19, 2017 Moving Day….Sort Of…. Sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Our lead teacher, Sandy Miller, knows someone associated with HKS Richmond, an architect firm located in RVA. HKS is undergoing an office remodel and they generously...
Oct 18, 2017 | A day in the life...
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 We are beginning to incorporate more of our planned elements to our days. Today, the students began the day with a short walk along a path to the school with our school mascot pup, Castiel. When they arrived for the morning meeting, they...
Oct 17, 2017 | A day in the life...
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 What an amazing day! Our brief morning meeting was followed by English and another TED talk. Today students watched Amy Cuddy’s talk, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”. They learned about “power poses” and how important it is to “Fake...
Oct 17, 2017 | A day in the life...
Monday, October 16, 2017 Monday, October 16 Students met first thing this morning to discuss the busy week ahead. Field trips, furniture pick up, farm projects, and student work plans were on the agenda. After our morning meeting students spent time in English...
Oct 15, 2017 | A day in the life...
.. A busy week... Week of Oct 10 .. Students have had a busy week! Each morning began with a morning meeting to discuss goals for the day. On Tuesday, Terry, the Head of School, shared that she applied for BirdSleuth’s School Garden Grant. Students were...