LSUHS Calendar Corral: March 2019

For Homeschoolers

Because we are a small school focused on experiential learning, we do a ton of cool stuff on campus and off. We also love to share with the community. Homeschool friendly opportunities are denoted with an asterisk *. Some of these are free, and some have a costs associated with them – generally to the destination. When we charge, we try to keep the costs reasonable. Some classes/camps have a lot of materials associated with them and cost more.




What’s going on at LSUHS this month?

This month we are continuing our Rocketry STEM class and our new signature youth conservation project! We will be attending VSU farm workshops and conferences AND homeschool families can visit with us at the VA Homeschooling Conference in Williamsburg!

STEM Courses

Continuing: STEM classes for LSUHS students and the homeschooling community. These 12 week classes will occur on Tuesdays through May. Our advanced students will also serve as guides.

Learn Rocketry with NASA’s Rocketry Curriculum.

    1. *It is Rocket Science based on the NASA “Rockets Educator Guide“Youth will explore Newton’s Laws of Motion as well as some advanced mathematics as they build and experiment with rocket projects. Learn more or register.

Making Waves

*Making Waves is our new signature youth leadership program meets monthly! Following the mission of LSUHS, Making Waves members will be active in many farm & conservation endeavors. Our kickoff meeting was in February! Learn more here! This is free.

March Calendar

Mar 05: STEM course: “It is Rocket Science” This high school class is for both our students and homeschool students.

Mar 07: Stone Brewing tour in Richmond, VA. $10 fee. RSVP: 

Mar 12: STEM course: “It is Rocket Science” This high school class is for both our students and homeschool students.

Mar 14: LSUHS attending the VA Farm to School Conference in Hampton Roads

Mar 16: Open house & Geocache event – come check out the school, farm and have some fun!

Mar 25: *Making Waves Meeting This is free and open to all local teens! This month we will be helping the James River Association with invasive species removal at Great Shiplock Park/Chapel Island. Please RSVP so we can give an accurate number to JRA!

Mar 19: STEM course:“It is Rocket ScienceThis high school class is for both our students and homeschool students.

Mar 21: LSUHS attending the 11th Annual VA Berry Production & Marketing Conference

Mar 22-23: LSUHS attending the VA Homeschooling Conference in Williamsburg. Stop by and see us!

Mar 25-Apr 5: 1st Quarter break! School closed. 

Stay tuned for these upcoming events beyond March!

  • Farm planning & design workshops
  • More VSU conferences & workshops
  • Summer Camps
  • 2020 Environmental Science trip to Panama
  • Fall Fundraiser: Chili, Chocolate and Farm Dance!



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