New Youth Leadership Program – Making Waves


LSUHS students assisting VSU rabbit projectThe mission of LSUHS Making Waves program is to cultivate leadership and stewardship in area youth. Our planet is a living connected system from the Farmer’s dirt, no matter how far inland, to the forests, to the salty ocean, to our tables. Making Waves aims to foster a respect for this connectivity by researching, promoting, and supporting sustainable farming, fresh and wholesome food production and protecting the water resources.

What do the students gain?

  • LSUHS provides experiences illustrating different perspectives and demonstrating that solutions to environmental issues can be complex.
  • Students learn to fully research, debate and make up their own minds on issues.
  • Students earn a sense of accomplishment and feel empowered to take action.
  • Students learn to advocate using their own voice and personal experiences.

How do we help them accomplish this?

LSUHS students at VSU water quality workshopWe promote leadership traits using our two greatest strengths: education and stewardship. We lead by example and encourage our Making Waves members to do the same. Our program is born out of the efforts of its host farm to become an example of sustainable, water-shed friendly, environmentally sound farming. Student members can research, experiment and develop methods for improving farming practices and our local communities’ environmental health.

Making Waves members will be working together with scientists, elected officials, farmers, restoration experts, and educators. Together, we will learn how to lead others by taking action and setting examples. We accomplish this by working with motivated students who want to join in the larger effort of environmental change to develop appropriate programs.  

The kickoff: February 25th. 1 PM

We will kick off this new program on Monday, February 25th at 1 PM. Interested students will work together to identify needs, potential research projects, possible community projects and some fun stuff, like kayaking.

Meeting location: the farm/school in Charles City (5501 Monguy Rd). If we have a number of youth interested from more Eastern areas, we will consider a more Central location.

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