February 2019 Events!
What’s new at LSUHS?
For Homeschoolers
STEM Courses
We are offering the following STEM classes for LSUHS students and the homeschooling community. These 12 week classes will occur on Tuesdays through May. Our advanced students will also serve as guides.
- *It is Rocket Science based on the NASA “Rockets Educator Guide“Youth will explore Newton’s Laws of Motion as well as some advanced mathematics as they build and experiment with rocket projects. Learn more or register.
- *Ocean Exploration based on the NOAA Ocean Explorer curriculum. Join us for an awesome environmental science program touching on many science topics and maths using NOAA’s “Learning Ocean Science Through Ocean Exploration” curriculum. Learn more or register.
Making Waves
*Making Waves is our new signature youth leadership program! Following the mission of LSUHS, Making Waves members will be active in many farm & conservation endeavors. Our kickoff meeting is February 25! Learn more here!This is free.
February Calendar
*TBD LSUHS Field Trip: Lickinghole Creek Brewery tour in Goochland, VA. This is free.
Feb. 07 *LSUHS Field Trip – TBD
Feb. 12 *Start date for our 2 STEM courses: “It is Rocket Science” and “Ocean Science Through Exploration.” These are high school classes for both our students and homeschool students.
Feb. 18 *VSU Whole Farm Planning – this is the kickoff event for our whole farm planning & design project!
Feb. 19 *STEM classes
Feb. 20 *VSU Silvopasture workshop: Sivopasture combines trees, forage plants and livestock together as an integrated, intensively-managed system. Forest landowners and livestock producers can benefit from introducing silvopasture production on their land. This is free but you must register with VSU here.
Feb. 25 *Making Waves Kickoff Meeting This is free and open to all local teens!
Feb. 26 *STEM classes
Feb. 27 *VSU How to build a chicken tractor: Join Small Farm Agent Tracy Porter at this hands-on workshop to show participants how to select, design and construct an easy-to-build, low-cost chicken tractor. Proper and safe use of equipment and tools used for coop construction will be covered during the workshop. This is free but you must register with VSU here.
Feb. 28 LSUHS field trip: Virginia Aquarium & Adventure Course. Everyone is welcome to join us. Sign up on the FB event so we can get a group education discount!
Stay tuned for these upcoming events beyond February!
- Farm planning & design
- Summer Camps
- 2020 Environmental Science trip to Panama
- Fall Fundraiser: Chili, Chocolate and Farm Dance!
Featured in:
Richmond Times Dispatch - "When a Farm is Your Classroom"
Goochland Gazette - "Local Farm School Making Move to Charles City"
Cheryl Tan Media Podcast 49: [Strategy] Re-engage Your Tribe
Richmond Magazine – Private School Report 2017
NBC12 – Farm-based high school offers alternative for students
Goochland Gazette - "A new view of school"
Educators Challenged to Increase Interest in Agriculture