Wednesday, October 4-Opening Day!

Students enjoy time outdoors while sharing their ideas about farming.

What an amazing first day of class for our students!  Students arrived and prepared for the day by attending a brief morning meeting.  After getting an idea of the plan for the day they joined together with the Love of Life Homeschool Co-Op that meets on our campus to build solar ovens.   Students used ordinary materials such as a pizza box, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, tape, and scissors to create an oven which they actually were able to use to cook a yummy treat!  It was awesome to see students of all ages engaged in this learning adventure.

The solar oven activity was followed by a gathering around the  firepit.  Students discussed farming and LoSU’s vision for our new campus.  After sharing ideas on what they would have on their own personal farm, students were asked to put their imaginations to work to create a dream farm.  This project will continue throughout the first quarter as each students plan, research, and all aspects of farming which include terrain, altitude, temperature range, soil types, predators, fauna, livestock compatibility, region, natural resources, sun exposure, and market research.

After enjoying a leisurely lunch in the cafe students were on their own for independent study time.  It was so cool to hear the student’s thoughts as they were discussing their ideas.  The day ended with a brief afternoon meeting which included a preview of what is to come tomorrow.

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