
Build your teen biz

THE Ultimate Teen Entrepreneur Experience!

Accessible for everyone – email us for scholarships!
6 WEEK PROGRAM – June 25 to August 2, 2024
BONUS: 6 months FREE website & email hosting AND
2 bonus WordPress site building and marketing workshops!

Click here to join an elite band of teen leadersFAQ & Tuition

Overcome summer boredom

Dream. Create. Lead.

There are few endeavors that empower teens to discover their potential like pursuing an entrepreneurial project. Many of the entrepreneur course and camps out there for teens, typically end at the “pitch” stage. Our program builds a foundation for success while walking the teen through the actual process of bringing their idea to market. When they are done with this camp, they will have a product or service they can continue to market and sell. Along the way, they develop skill sets that will serve them for a lifetime – well beyond their high school years.

Beyond theory

BYTB is taught by entrepreneurs and teen coaches with years of experience. The program meets twice a week with weekly virtual workshops and teen mastermind groups. We focus on building the right mindset, collaboration, data analysis, research, problem solving, and strategic thinking.

Build a business:

What You Gain…


This isn’t just a summer camp to save them from the summer doldrums. This is an experience whose value continues to grow – well beyond the initial investment.



Many teens suffer from a lack of vision and purpose. We start the camp working with them to find and clarify a vision, purpose, and goals. The work they do in the first couple of sessions empowers them and provides a foundation for not only what they will accomplish in the camp, but for what lies ahead in life.



Our mastermind approach to this camp builds a foundation of collaboration among our students, serving as a base also for lifelong friendships. The student networking with peers and mentors in this program facilitates opportunities for internships, future partnerships, possible investors, help with resumes and reference letters, and employment.



BYTB encourages and cultivates a new way of thinking and prepares teens for real situations in a new, global economy. In this camp, teens will build valuable business & computer skills, marketing and sales skills, and a level of personal development that isn’t part of normal education experience.


Your time

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Sound a bit scary? Awesome! It’s time to move out of your comfort zone!

This is your time — your summer — your moment. 

Grab it. Make a change. Start something that is uniquely you.


Dreaming of solving a problem? Starting a business? Or, just finding something better to do for the summer.? Signup for the camp! Take control of your future. Once your in, you’ll get lots of guidance on what to do next and lots of ideas for that business, if you don’t already have one.


Take this summer to create something amazing – a business. You’ll start with just an idea and turn it into something real, something tangible. Once you get started, your creativity will be unleashed. Entrepreneurship is all about creatively solving problems or filling a need.


Learn to think like an entrepreneur, finding creative solutions to problems, not be afraid to experiment, try again, change things up. As you gain confidence, you’ll inspire others to try too.

One amazing summer camp



This isn’t just a summer camp to save them from the summer doldrums. This is an experience whose value continues to grow – well beyond the initial investment.

The Ideal Candidate Is…


Are you the type of teen who is interested in emerging technologies, potential career paths, or entrepreneurship? Or maybe you noticed a problem that needs to be solved?


Are you self motivated? Able to pursue your interests? How are you at finding answers on your own?

Open Minded

Are you open to new ideas? A new way of thinking? Can you make mistakes and learn from them? Can you handle constructive feedback?


  • Ideally you are a teen that is ambitious, curious, driven. You love to learn—maybe not textbook learning—but deep diving on something that interests you.
  • You are willing to take action – every day – and move towards your goal.
  • No previous knowledge of business, technology, or entrepreneurship are required. 
What’s Included?
  • 12 hours zoom tech support
  • 9 hours live, interactive workshops
  • 9 hours live, guided, student masterminds
  • 6 hours startup mentorship
  • 3 hours 1:1 coaching
  • 24/7 asynchronous support in student system
    One extraordinary summer
Program Logistics


Build Your Teen Business is a 6-week program that runs from June 25 to August 2, 2024



  • Live workshop/mastermind sessions are Tuesdays and Fridays 1:30-3:30 CT
  • Live Zoom support hours are Wednesday 1:30-3:30 CT
  • Students typically spend 1-2 hours per week working through action guides in the portal, and 10 or more hours researching and working directly on their project.
  • Course syllabus will be provided to enrolled teens prior to the beginning of the camp along with student portal login information.
  • 6 Months Free Website Hosting!
  • 2 Bonus WordPress site building & marketing workshops!
Application Process, Deadlines & Tuition

All applications are due by June 24th.

Camp tuition rates are as follows:

  • Full tuition is $1447
  • Early bird discount $700 off if registered by June 8th ($747) Use coupon code: EARLYBIRD24
  • Sibling discount $300 off. (please email us for this)
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