Back in session for 2020!

Back in Session!

LSUHS fodder rack for farm

LSUHS students configured a fodder rack and koi pond to grow greens for the farm animals over winter.

Our first week was short and easy with a Wednesday start following our participation in the VA Biological Farm Conference. We put academics on hold while we worked on farm projects and team building with our new student. This week, students setup a koi pond and built an aquaponic fodder system that will sit in the pond for water catchment and recycling. This system will be used to grow the livestock version of micro-greens, a nutrient rich supplement for feeding. The benefits of growing and feeding fodder to chickens and livestock are great. lists a number of them including these health benefits: high digestibility, vitamin & mineral saturation, phytate reduction for pH normalization, enzymatic activity increase, and increases in Omega 3, amino acids, natural hormones. There are many resources available with studies showing the immense positive impact of growing and feeding fodder. Our students are proud to be building a system like this to benefit the farm.

LSUHS Students working on the club car

LSUHS Students working on the club car

Another project was started this week that will add value to the farm and school. The students began repairing a 1970’s Harley 3-wheel club car. Work to restore the asthetics of the car will start when we move into the warmer, spring temperatures.


Over the weekend, we were surprised by a new arrival! 5 Saanan dairy goats were donated to the farm school by a local Goochland based farm in September. These young goats had the potential of being bred but it was thought to be unlikely. Due to the size of the breed and the fact that this was her first kidding, Pyra did not show any outward symptoms of pregnancy.  So, we were a bit suprised to find little Ember peaking out at us when we went out to do the weekend chores. Momma and baby are doing great and the students, who were notified via text, are eager to meet her this coming week!




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