JRA Presquile/River Ecology Trip

CANCELLED. May 29 – 31

We have cancelled this trip due to insufficient numbers to make it go. We will try again next year!

Join us for a great learning opportunity with the James River Association at their Presquile National Wildlife Refuge. This is a three day, two night learning adventure on the James River. Students will get to canoe, explore and learn about the human impact and other features of the James River. Download the pdf for more information.


We are partnering with the local homeschololing community to make this happen. We have room for 2 additional chaperones and 25 students! All slots must be filled for this to go, so share it!

Rate is $150 for three days. Includes food, lodging and facilities fees to JRA.

Open to 8-12 grade students. Deadline to register and pay is May 11th!


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