
It’s a funny name for a FUN learning adventure! You can learn more about LSU in our “About LSU” page. Here’s the quick version…

Scientists from different agencies explore the ocean together using the ROV Kraken2 on the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster.

Scientists from different agencies explore the ocean together using the ROV Kraken2 on the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster.

LSU is about ocean conservation, sustainable agricultural practices and stewardship of our planet. It’s fairly easy living on a seaboard of the U.S. to see and experience some of the ocean that makes up a huge portion of our planet’s ecosystem. Even so, as you splash on the beach, fish off a pier or boat or even visit an aquarium, you are only experiencing an itsy, bitsy portion of the great blue, less than 1%! Even scientists with all of their exploration have only learned of about 5% of the total ocean. Can you imagine? That means there’s a LOT left to explore, doesn’t it?

What about all you guys who live inland? How much ocean have you experienced? Do you even think about it? Do you realize that almost everything you do impacts the ocean? And, that in turn, the ocean impacts many areas of your life? The oceans provide food and medicine to the world. Not only that, the ocean impacts the weather and climate of the entire planet!

Jersey calf

Jersey calf

When you drive past a corn field or dairy farm, do you think about how they might affect the ocean? What? How can that be, these farms are gazillions of miles away from the ocean? That is why we developed LOCAL STEW U  – to bring the oceans, well, inland! LSU uses really cool, ocean-based lesson plans and activities that teach all kinds of earth sciences from chemistry to physics to show you how close you really are to the ocean and how you can protect it.

Watch for our news series “Things that live in the sea” and start thinking about the great blue!


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