LoSU Mascot Art Contest & Show – Deadline Extended!!

It’s not too late!


Goochland, VA

LOCAL STEW U, a new farm-based, alternative high-school moving to the Richmond area is holding a contest for the design of their school mascot logo art based on the American wolf.

About the School

LoSU is passionate about creating a learning environment where kids can learn at their own pace. Our vision encompasses a sprawling school based on the science, math and economy of agriculture, where high-school students will come to love learning while developing skills they’ll need for life. This learning style embraces everything we believe children who are frustrated by traditional school will need to get re-engaged with education.

Contest Theme

LoSU has chosen the wolf to represent it’s students. Wolves are amazing creatures and their way of living represents the core values of our students and school. These are a few of the characteristics of wolves as they relate to LoSU. As pack animals, they maintain a strong, family-like structure and all members take care of and support the other members of the pack. Wolves are respectful creatures. They respect themselves, others and the earth. Wolves are fiercely loyal and stand up for and protect their pack mates. The success of the pack is based on the strengths of the individual members. Each wolf, no matter the age or rank, has something that only they can contribute. There are more qualities we like in the wolves. You can find them on our website http://astrolabeacademy.com/about-us/our-mascot-the-wolf/.


All students grades 8-12, in the Richmond region and surrounding areas.*  (*See “prizes” in this document for more info.)


All entries must adhere to the contest theme as described above.

    • LSU_logo_noshadStudents may enter up to two designs. Each entry must be a separate entry.
    • All entries must include a completed Entry Form on the back of each artwork. Please note: Artwork submitted with an incomplete or no Entry Form will be not be accepted.
    • All entries must include a signed Artist’s release form.
    • The logo should be bold, dynamic athletic style and family-friendly.
    • The mascot image should represent the lifestyle and traits of the wolf as described above.
    • The art should be drawn in three forms: full color, two colors and black & white (B&W).
    • The two-color version of the mascot needs to represent the colors of our Corporate Design (blue and gold) as represented in the LOCAL STEW U logo on the left. Two color artwork can include a range of tints for each of the two colors. (i.e., the blue can range from the dark blue to light blue)
    • The artwork must be on a white background and mounted to an 11×14 black art board.
    • All artwork submitted must be original.
    • You may use digital medium (Photoshop, Illustrator, Painter, etc.) or natural medium (pencils, markers, paints, etc.) to produce the art.
    • Artists may not post, share or advertise their artwork until the winning artwork has been announced.

Required Sizes for Artwork: Finished art should be 8″ x 10″ on white paper and mounted on 11′ x 14″ black art board. Size restriction must be adhered to. 


Monday, October 17, 2016 at 5 pm.

Submission Details

Artwork may be dropped off at the following location:

Homeschool Resources Group
Family Education Center
2101 Maywill St
Richmond, VA 23230

Community Art Show & Judging

All submissions will undergo a blind review—without name—by the school’s Advisory Board. The top 20 finalists that best embody the spirit of LOCAL STEW U will move on to round two.

In round two, the top 20 finalists will be on display the entire month of November at the:

Art will be shown at the Goochland Library Nov 2-28.

LoSU Mascot art contest entries will be on display at the Goochland Library Nov 2-28.

Goochland Regional Library
3075 River Road West
Goochland, Virginia 23063
Phone: 804-556-4774

Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday  9:00 a.m. to  8:00 p.m.
Friday  9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday  9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

In round two, the top 20 finalists will be on display for the entire month of November. From November 2-20, visitors to the library will have the opportunity to cast a vote for their favorite submissions. The three submissions with the most votes will move on to round three.

In round three, a panel of judges, representing the Head of School, top faculty and student life will select the winning design. Winners will be announced at an artist’s reception at the Goochland Library on November 28, 5:30-7:30 pm.

Submissions will be judged on creativity and artistic quality, as well as how well they represent the LoSU vision and the school spirit of camaraderie and collaboration. LOCAL STEW U shall have the sole discretion to select the winning design based on this and other criteria that it feels, in its sole discretion, appropriate.

LOCAL STEW U may replace the first-selected design with an alternate design if it determines, after first-selection, that the alternate design is, in LOCAL STEW U’s sole discretion, more appropriate. 

The decision of the judges is final. The winning design becomes the property of LOCAL STEW U. The top three pieces will be on display at the School as part of the grand opening.


Each contestant will receive a LoSU logo’d gift item and certificate of participation. The winning artist will receive recognition on the school’s website and press releases as well as a choice of one of the following items once the school has opened its doors: 1) $250 voucher towards school admission;
2) Fee attendance at a LoSU STEAM summer camp of choice; or 3) a 3-day weekend family farm camping retreat on the LoSU campus. Runner’s up winners (2nd and 3rd place) will receive their choice of a $100 school admission voucher or a one-day family farm retreat on the LoSU campus. *No cash substitutions will be made in lieu of prizes. Please do not enter the contest if you are not able to enjoy one of the farm/school amenities offered as prizes.

Submission Checklist 

Below is a list of reminders to help ensure your artwork is eligible for judging:

    • Each piece of artwork is original and created by one student
    • You have addressed the mascot/school theme in your artwork
    • The art should be drawn in three forms: full color, two school colors and B&W on a single 8×10 white background (see layout later in this document. Also note that the design can incorporate the head, whole body and even a simple, stylized scene – if appropriate).
    • The artwork must be mounted on 11×14 black artboard
    • The identification form has been filled out affixed to the back of each piece of artwork (you may submit up to two) (Download the PDF ID Form here.)
    • The Artist Release Form is included with the artwork. ( Download the PDF Artist’s release form here.)
    • Your contact phone and email so we can notify you about the Community Art Show and contest results are on the ID Form.


Resource guide


Layout of finished art

Your finished artwork should be laid out similar to this. (Logos may not necessarily by round in shape as indicated below. This is just to show placement on the the page.)

finished art layout

Download the entire contest document with forms here.

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