2018-19 School Year

Upcoming Events!

We have some awesome activities planned for this coming school year! You don’t want to miss all these amazing learning opportunities!

Students load up in the back of a pickup for a ride back up to the buildings after working down at the barn at LOCAL STEW U. RTD Photographer Mark Gormus jumps in for a photo shoot.

Farm planning & design: Our new farm is completely raw. While we have gotten a bit done, there is much more to do! We still need to plan, design and implement based on management practices that are environmentally sound and low maintenance. We will be working with experts in biological farm planning. Students will also learn to read topographic maps, understand scaling, and translate map information to a 3-D site model of the farm for design purposes.

Virginia Biological Farm Conference: Students who are signed up for our programs by October 1st will be included in the VABF Conference in Richmond, VA in January. More information about this conference can be found on the VABF website.

Permaculture course: Students will continue to dive into our permaculture course. They will explore regenerative practices successfully being used, current research in the field, design, soil, fungi, architecture, social reform, holistic management, urban permaculture, large-scale land and ocean restoration and much more.

2 Day disaster/travel wilderness first aid certification course: LoSU students and staff will participate in this hands-on 2 day series of first aid courses.

LSUHS students at the end of a beach trip striking their silly poses!

Outdoor adventures: Students will participate in a variety of outdoor adventure activities which may include backpacking, hiking, biking, kayaking, rock climbing, and spelunking in these off-site adventures!

Farm tour excursions: Day and overnight farm tour trips are being arranged to provide students with many opportunities to see different farming practices in operation.

James River Expedition: Read more about our expedition here. Our river expedition has been on hold pending a larger student body. We are anticipating launching in Spring 2019. This is an exciting learning expedition and we want to share it with as many people as possible!

VSU Randolph Farm and urban farm support: Students will have many opportunities to work with VSU for tours, volunteer/learning time, and volunteering to help with important urban farm projects like Tricycle Urban Gardens.

LSUHS STEM summer camps: LSUHS began offering summer camps at our new location in Charles City in summer 2018 with a NASA Rocketry camp and a NOAA Ocean Exploration camp. Our 2019 summer will hold more offerings for the community. LSUHS students have the option to participate as paid Teen Counselors. Its a great opportunity to earn money while having fun and learning new things!

Don’t miss these amazing opportunities for learning and growth! Apply now!

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